Sonifer Official Store is listed on AliExpress as “Top Brand”, in a period of 3 years it has gained more than 250 thousand followers and continue to increase every month.
Is it safe to buy from Sonifer Official Store through AliExpress?
In the last 6 months it has achieved 96% positive ratings overall. This means that more than 9000 people were satisfied with their order. However, there are approximately 700 users who were not as lucky.
Taking into account that in the last month of sales less than 100 users gave negative reviews for more than 1500 sales, we can say that it is possible to order from this seller. Because they significantly improved the number of complaints exposed.
Advantages of buying from Sonifer Official Store on AliExpress
- Many users indicate that the communication between buyer and seller is adequate, you answer the doubts and in cases of inconvenience they have made the money back.
- Customers comment that the product description is adequate.
- The stipulated delivery time is as agreed and sometimes the order arrives days earlier.
- Sonifer Official Store has become one of the favourite sellers in a short time of 3 years.
- Sonifer Official Store has become one of the favourite sellers in a short time of 3 years.
- It is rated as the best seller in Electric Kettles and Crepe Makers.
- Offers free gifts and discounts if you scan the seller’s barcode.
Disadvantages of buying from Sonifer Official Store on AliExpress
- In the last month’s sales, we noted a comment from a customer stating that the product arrived battered and scratched, but it was well packaged so he did not give the product 5 stars.
- We noted 4 comments where they indicated that they did not receive the selected product. But, only 1 indicated that they started a dispute on the website and got their money back in full. (This happened later this month).
Final review of the Sonifer Official Store on AliExpress
Being one of the favourite sites on the AliExpress portal it meets high demand in the distribution of products. As we have observed the vast majority of the goods arrive at their destination without any inconvenience. In addition, customers who opened a dispute to request a refund service got it without any problems and without any holdbacks.
In conclusion, to place orders through Sonifer Official Store we must keep in mind that the merchandise is exported from China, therefore, it may take some time to arrive, suffer a failure during the trip or get lost. In these cases it is important that you initiate a dispute on the website so that you get your money back and do not have any losses.