Tiny Spark Official Store is one of the best shops we can find on AliEpress, it is listed as “top brand”. It was registered on the portal in 2017 and has more than 260 thousand followers. It also has an official Instagram account with a total of 48.3K followers at the moment.
Is it safe to buy from Tiny Spark Official Store through AliExpress?
Analysing the user reviews, with the overall balance provided on the page of its performance over the past 6 months, we can say that it is safe to buy from Tiny Spark Official Store through AliExpress. The seller has higher ratings than many shops on the portal with only 1% complaints.
Advantages of buying from Tiny Spark Official Store on AliExpress
- Their average positive feedback rate remains above 96%.
- With only 3 years on the market, it is one of the most sought after on the AliExpress portal.
- The majority of its customers indicate that the products correspond to the description on the website.
- One of the features mentioned by users is the delivery time of the product, they say that they respect the stipulated date and sometimes the receipt of the package is earlier than expected.
- They answer all questions and are usually present until the order is confirmed.
- They offer coupons or discounts on their products.
Disadvantages of buying from Tiny Spark Official Store on AliExpress
- In the negative comments we noticed that customers highlight a lot the issue of “the sizes” as in most of the sellers who export the goods from China. There are customers who ordered 2 different garments of the same size and one is smaller than the other.
- They also indicate in some cases disagreement with the seams of the garments and the padding.
- There is a 1% chance of not receiving the package.
Final review of the Tiny Spark Official Store
As we indicated above, the online shop is recommended for ordering, as most of the reviews are from satisfied customers. However, we must keep in mind that the sizes are generally smaller than those of our country. For this reason, we suggest you take all the appropriate measures before making the purchase to avoid this type of inconvenience and remember that to opt for the return service you must initiate a dispute with the seller, in the event that the seller ignores it, do it directly with AliExpress.