This shop has its own website, but you can also find its merchandise through the AliExpress portal as well as many other shops. Acartool Store specializes in the dispatch of electronic accessories and spare parts.
Is Acartool Store a safe seller?
After analysing the number of years it has been on the market, the number of followers and the different opinions of users, we do not recommend Acartool Store as a seller. We do not recommend Acartool as a seller. Its average and satisfied customers are below the parameters set out by the AliExpress portal.
Disadvantages of Acartool Store
- They do not have any information on their official website or on AliExpress about the company or the guarantees and safety conditions.
- On Acartool’s homepage, there are no reviews or ratings from people who have bought the product.
- This seller has a lower than average feedback rate on AliExpress.
Advantages of Acartool Store
- On AliExpress you can see low prices as well as discounts, you can get these discounts or coupons by checking the sale items section.
- Users highlight the punctuality of product deliveries, i.e. most buyers are satisfied because orders arrive without delay.
- The devices received from the Acartool website fulfil their functions.
- The majority of users think that the communication between buyer and seller is adequate.
- This seller has been on the market for more than 10 years.
- The website promotes various accessories and electronic items.
- In the last month, they have received over 950 orders in which they have had less than 50 reviews with ratings of less than three stars.
Is it safe to shop at Acartool Store?
First of all, we would like to point out that on their official online shop we did not witness any buyer reviews, despite listing items as sold. However, on AliExpress we can observe more than 90% positive reviews.
In the comments we can see that customers are satisfied with the devices purchased. However, they only have four thousand followers in 10 years registered on AliExpress. Considering that there are superior brands with a shorter opening time, it does not generate confidence or certainty that they take into account the criticisms to improve. But if you want to buy some of their products, the best option would be through the Aliexpres page, as we didn’t see any product reviews on their official page, but here you can see the experiences of other customers with regard to the device you want.