Comment on and upload photos of items purchased at Shein to earn benefits

If you are a frequent Shein user, you may not yet know that you can earn points by commenting and uploading photos of the products you buy in the store.

What is this for? With the points system you will be able to get discounts on your next purchases, which will increase as you make more comments, upload more photos and level up.

Earn points by commenting and uploading photos

One of the requirements for you to be able to comment on Shein or upload representative photos is that you have purchased a product in the store (you cannot upload photos or comments if you have purchased the products in another store) and you have already received it.

Shein has a table of equivalencies for points, which you can then use to get benefits.

Many of the actions cannot be performed from the website, so you will also be required to download and install the Shein mobile application.

Access the comments section

The way in which you will be able to access the comments section will depend on the platform from which you are entering and the operating system that your phone has.

Comment from your Android phone

If you have an Android phone as your operating system, you will need to log in to your user profile and go to the submitted orders section.

Once inside this section, click on the three dots in the lower left corner, and then click on “comments”.

Then, you will be able to write your comments about the product, to which you will also be able to add photos.

Comment from your iOS cell phone

If you have an iPhone, the way to leave comments is similar to the previous one.

In this case, you will also have to enter your user profile, click on “sent”, and you will directly access a section with a comment button..

You will see the box to add text and pictures, just like in the previous case.

Commenting without having purchased from Shein

As we mentioned before, to be allowed to comment, you must buy the item in Shein, so there is no possibility to comment without having bought it.

What you can do is to confirm receipt of the order before it arrives to your hands, since from that moment you will be allowed to comment, and you will not have to wait so long to access the points.

Keep in mind that if you do this, you will not be able to complain if the order does not arrive or arrives damaged, since you will have ensured that everything was in order.

Tips for making comments

In order for your comments to be approved and not banned by Shein, you must remember to always be polite and not disrespectful to anyone.

The recommended length of comments is between 80 and 400 words, with objective and real content, and remember that you will always earn more points if you add a couple of pictures.