The online store is listed as “Top Brand” on AliExpress, in just 4 years of opening it has 156 thousand followers approximately and an overall percentage of 98% positive feedback.
Is it safe to buy from SZCPU Store through AliExpress?
Taking into account that, in the last 6 months it has more than 39 thousand satisfied customers from a total of 40 thousand sales approximately, we can say that if it is safe to get products from SZCPU Store through AliExpress.
Although there remains a remaining 1000 users who left bad ratings on the store, many were because of the product waiting time and extra charges in customs.
Advantages of buying from SZCPU Store on AliExpress
- In only 4 years of opening, it is among the stores with the most followers within the portal.
- His overall and individual evaluation as a seller is over 98% of effectiveness and good service.
- The majority of customers state that the products correspond to the description provided on the page.
- The site also distributes second-hand appliances that get good ratings and perform as intended.
- Users indicate that the products correspond to the description provided on the site.
- Users indicate that the seller is attentive to doubts and inconveniences that arise during the order.
- Many of their products have been well received.
- Many of their products fall under the recent AliExpress promotion, where they offer up to 80% off (varies depending on the price of the product).
- It is listed as the best CPU seller within the portal.
Disadvantages of buying from SZCPU Store on AliExpress
- In the last month of sale received more than 50 neutral ratings, where they indicated the malfunction of some devices.
- Complaints about the packaging of the orders are noted.
- It has more than 100 negative comments in the last month of sales due to the time of arrival of the product, in addition to making an extra payment at customs for its withdrawal.
- We observed a single comment where the customer indicates that the product did not arrive and the seller has not given him an answer.
Final opinion of the SZCPU Store
Despite being one of the best stores available on AliExpress it does not present 100% of satisfied users. Although it is important to keep in mind that when making this type of purchases there may be external factors to the company that may delay or affect the order. For that reason, even if the distributor is well known there is a margin of error and if the company makes the refund there is no guarantee of receiving the expenses incurred in sending it for the refund.