Meaning of “Parcel is still in transit, no worries…” on AliExpress

One of the statuses your AliExpress package may go through is “Parcel is still in transit, no worries we will deliver it to you as soon as possible”, but this is not a reason to worry.

Below, we’ll explain what it is and how to fix it.

Remember that you can check the status of your order here.

“Parcel is still in transit, no worries…”, what does it mean?

This notice is nothing more than a message informing you that your package is still in transit, so it’ll be delivered as soon as possible.

What’s the reason for this message?

The main reason why you’ll be presented with this notice in the status of your package is that it has passed the delivery date. So when this problem occurs, AliExpress automatically generates it along with the estimated delivery date.

The fact that your package hasn’t been delivered on the expected date isn’t a reason to worry. It only means that, for some reason, the shipment is being slower than expected.


Can I track my order in detail?

Delays are likely to occur on ordinary shipments that don’t have tracking numbers. Since they’re cheaper, they follow longer paths and are more likely to be delayed.

If you see that the status of your order hasn’t been updated for a while, you can check the tracking of your ordinary shipment in more detail, by consulting it on international tracking websites like the ones we mentioned in the AliExpress order tracking article.

Ordinary shipments aren’t tracked in the destination country, so once it leaves China, you won’t be able to follow exactly where it goes.

Check the protection period of your order

All AliExpress orders and packages have about 75 protection days. If after these days you haven’t received your package, that’s when you should start worrying.

However, AliExpress won’t let you open a dispute before the end of these 75 days, as they’ll claim that the package is still in transit.

When can I open a dispute?

The ideal time to open a dispute is when there are only a few days left until your order protection is about to end. Although we suggest that you contact the seller to ask about your order so that AliExpress can verify that you’ve tried to contact them.

After this, you can open the dispute. Remember that the more evidence you add, the faster you’ll be able to verify that your package hasn’t arrived. It’s possible that, when you contact the seller and tell them about your situation, they can extend the protection time of your package.

AliExpress is a company that has tried to improve the delivery times of their packages, so it’s no longer common for them to be so late. However, if it does happen, we urge you to be patient and not to worry.